
The Pre-Academic Program, "A Way to Success":

This three-year program, running since 1998, includes about 100 high-school Bedouin girls with the potential to excel. The program improves their chances to be accepted to the academy and runs once a week, for 5 hours. Components:
      1.      Academic: Support in mathematics, English,   Hebrew, computers and critical thinking.
  1. Implementation: Classes are held at Ben Gurion University, in order to reduce anxiety and alienation from the academy.
  2. Socio-Cultural: Monthly workshops prepare the students for difficult and unfamiliar personal and social situations they may encounter as university students, as well as empowerment, identity, gender, democracy, women's leadership and more.
  3. Emotional-General:  senior girls group dynamics, dealing with life stories, conflicts, challenges and growth.
  4. Transportation and chaperoning: for girls only, enabling the participation of girls from traditional families and unrecognized villages.
     6.      Advocacy: Assistance in the application and admissions process.